Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Sorry I haven't been on here to post anything I have been extremely sick. I actually went back to the doctors yesterday and I have strep, ear infection, and phenomena that just has tooken a real toll on me. I am just hoping these three new meds that he has put me on will work this time.

I do have a few things I want to try to get posted up on here today, but I am not sure if I will get them done or not. I really need to jut get as much as rest as I can.

At least the baby girl of mine is feeling better and she is actually going to school with the rest of them today so hopefully I can get some much needed sleep to myself.

Please be sure to come back and check out the blog, if I don't get the items up today I will surely have them up by this weekend.

Hope you all have a wonderful tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Hugs to you, wishing you better.

Kay (SBS8)

Etha said...

Hope you feel better soon! rest up :)

Kathy W said...

rest up, feel better soon:}
kathy sbs8

Gwen said...

feel better soon!!!

debby4000 said...

hope you feel better soon

Samm said...

Oooo, sorry you're feeling so rotten, hope you feel better soon!!


Kim said...

Oh gosh I hope you feel better soon! Take it easy. Kim sbs8

Marge said...

Hope you've been able to get some rest & the new meds are working!!!
Feel better!


Leonie Schroder said...

Oh I am so sorry your so ill - I had what you have when I was pregnant with my youngst daughter. You need to bump up your vitamin C intake and add some zinc to it as well. Get some echinacea and start using that as it will break up your congestion. Sleep with pillows raising your head higher than your chest. Some Vicks Vaporub on your chest and neck will help you sleep. Drink lots & lots of fluids and I pray your back on your feet soon. hugs Leonie SBS8

Sallyh said...

Hope you are feeling better soon :)

Kelly said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. :)

Su Davis said...

Sorry to hear that you are so poorly. Hoping you will be feeling much better soon after the meds kick in.

Frances said...

Get well soon, hope the meds work this time.

JB-Crafting Supplies said...

Hope you feel better soon!
take care


Anonymous said...

Hey there :)
I hope you are better soon. I'm leaving big hugs to you and can't wait till you get to crafting and feeling better.
Miss you.

Anita Van Hal said...

Sure hope you're feeling better!

When you get a chance, could you please email me with your email address? I've started a yahoo group for the Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers 8, and I'd like to send you an invite to get you added to the group. The yahoo group will give us a place to post challenges, etc.

Anita Van Hal

Anita Van Hal said...

Hey sista! We miss you! Hope you're feeling better...visit us at our new yahoo group!

Anita Van Hal
SBS8 Admin.

Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

We've missed you at SBS-8. Hope you're feeling better. We'd love for you to join the Yahoo group. Here's the link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sbs8/

Nancy said...

We miss you .. hope you're feeling better.